
Karaoke for Simon Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence

Simon Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence (03:05)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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Simon Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water (04:55)
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Simon Garfunkel - I Am A Rock (02:51)
Simon Garfunkel - I Am A Rock (02:49)
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Simon Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson (04:05)
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Simon Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson (04:01)
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Simon Garfunkel - Patterns (02:48)
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Simon Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair (03:10)
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Simon Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair Canticle (03:09)
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Simon Garfunkel - Sound Of Silence (03:17)
Simon Garfunkel - Sounds Of Silence (03:07)
Simon Garfunkel - The 59th Street Bridge Song (01:42)
Simon Garfunkel - The Boxer (05:09)
Simon Garfunkel - The Boxer (05:12)
Simon Garfunkel - The Boxer (05:12)
Simon Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (03:05)
Simon Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (03:06)
Simon Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence (03:03)
Simon Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (02:59)
Simon Garfunkel - The Sounds of Silence (03:06)
Simon Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence (03:05)
Simon Garfunkel - Wednesday Morning A.M (02:44)
Simon Garfunkel - Wednesday morning 3 (02:08)

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